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Own Haven Housing Association NPC was founded to provide affordable, quality rental housing and adopted as its vision, ‘To be recognised as the company that delivers sustainable communities through high-quality affordable rental housing.’ Own Haven’s mission is to create sustainable community wellness programmes, for the communities within our developments and the wider surrounding communities. To improve the quality of people’s lives, empower them with skills, and equip them with the necessary knowledge to better their futures. Intervolve, Own Haven’s Community Development arm, was tasked to achieve this mission with the chosen focus areas for the programmes being,

Child and Youth Development | Health Awareness | Environmental Awareness

Community Development


With our complexes generating approximately 5,000 bags of refuse a month, Own Haven supports 3 separate Recycling initiatives. We collect Glass, PTE, Tetra Pack and plastic 2l cooldrink bottles. These items are then delivered to local recycling stations in return for rebates. This initiative creates employment for 4 people whilst raising environmental awareness within our communities. Annual budget R37 500 Includes the purchase of cleaning material, collection of skips and wages for 3 days/week.


Own Haven has 2 soup kitchens based at different complexes, serving 300 people a week. They serve the children from within the complex, the local surrounding community and the homeless. A combination of sandwiches, fruit, and a warm meal is handed out together with any donated disposable nappies, baby formula or other sponsored items.
Annual Budget R81 564 Purchase of groceries for both Southernwood Square and Sunrise View.


A Community vegetable garden has been established and is growing spinach, onions, peppers, tomatoes, pawpaw, and beetroot. The fresh produce is sold to tenants living in the complexes and residents living in the local area. Seedlings are purchased with the funds generated. The initiative creates employment whilst delivering fresh healthy produce. Annual Budget R30 900 Includes purchase of equipment, seedlings, compost, and weekly wages for the vegetable garden in Southernwood View.


Own Haven (and by extension Social Housing) builds communities rather than just units in which to live. Our communities rely on strong pillars of support – tenants not only rely on each other but also Own Haven. Many of our tenants live in our complexes because they offer safe secure environments for children to be in during the afternoon. Long working shifts and constrained budgets often mean that facilities such as aftercare are not always an option for their children.

Acknowledging this, Own Haven has several Community Development Programmes geared towards stimulating and developing the children within our complexes. Homework centres provide an opportunity for staff to assist young learners with their homework. The Nalibali reading initiative is popular amongst the children. Own Haven staff give of their time to read storybooks to the children, demonstrating meaningful involvement.


Get ready to test your knowledge and have a blast at our upcoming Trivia Night event, where fun meets community development! Join us for an evening of brain-teasing questions, laughter, and friendly competition. Not only will you enjoy a night of exciting trivia challenges, but you’ll also be contributing to the growth of our community.

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